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Social Media Marketing

Other salary in Social Media Marketing startups in 2024

How much does a Other expect to make in Social Media Marketing startups? The average expected salary for Others in Social Media Marketing startups is 54k per year, with a range from 6k to 77k. These amounts were gathered from Wellfound self-reported data and represent the median salary range. The salary range for Others in Social Media Marketing startup varies depending on factors such as location, experience, skills, and startup stage.


Average Salary

2 years

Average years of experience

Hiring data hero image


By quarter
The average salary for a Other in Social Media Marketing startups is $53,917, which is 19.4% lower than the average salary of $66,917 in Social Media Marketing startups. Other salaries in Social Media Marketing are based on exclusive Wellfound data. All data is updated on a weekly basis. Factors that may influence salary include: location, years of experience, title, size of company, and skill-set.

Top of market


Range $45k - $77k



Range $39k - $67k

Below Average


Range $6k - $67k

Top Locations

The highest average salary a Other in Social Media Marketing can get in , that is $0. This pay is 100.0% lower than the average Other salary in Social Media Marketing startups, which is $53,917. Salaries will vary based on your location. The top-paying markets in the US, on average, are currently: . Remote jobs often pay based on the location you reside in.


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Years of experience

Below Average


Top of Market

The highest average salary a Other in Social Media Marketing can get with 10+ years of experience, that is $110,000. This pay is 64.4% higher than the average salary in Social Media Marketing startups, which is $66,917. The salary range varies with years of experience and depends on other factors such as skill set, size of company, and industry.