from pre-seed to post-IPO 

The all-in-one platform to
find, connect & hire your team

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  • 10M+
    startup-ready talent
  • 25k+
  • 100k+
    Hires made
a world of talent at your fingertips

Instant access to a talent pool of 10M+

Access the largest talent pool of startup-minded job seekers in seconds. Our diverse community comes to Wellfound from across the globe to find their next job, spanning a variety of industries, skill levels, and backgrounds. No matter what you’re looking for in your next hire, you’ll find it here.
Discover our talent
A job board built for connection

High exposure, great connection

Post an infinite amount of jobs (for free) and instantly reach a massive pool of responsive and engaged talent. Our job listings provide a comprehensive look into the job, work style, team culture & more, so you can lay it all out there and find the perfect fit.
Post a job for free
Branding at its best

Make a great first impression

Our Company Profiles are designed to tell your story, showcase your uniqueness, and establish your brand. Profiles highlight startup-focused signals, but are dynamically useful as your team grows. Profiles are easily shareable so you can connect with millions of Wellfound users, plus a world of others across your own platforms.
Create your company profile
visual workflow, efficient pipeline

A 100% free, lightweight ATS

Save time & hire faster with our all-in-one, streamlined tracking system. Take just 10 minutes to set up and have centralized recruiting data that consolidates email correspondence, internal notes, and interview scorecards into one easy-to-manage dashboard. Sync with your existing tools for an easy & efficient hiring process.
Build your pipeline

Stop scrolling, start hiring

We’ll review hundreds of profiles each week and reach out to the best fits with hyper-personalized templates. When interested candidates respond, we’ll handle the back-and-forth. All that’s needed from you is one-click to approve and they’ll be instantly booked on your calendar. Learn more
Schedule a demo
Find the solution for you
Take our short quiz and we’ll recommend the right solution for your team
Find the right plan for you

Flexible solutions for every stage of your hiring journey

From free job posting and inbound applicants to advanced, all-in-one solutions that take care of everything for you — we provide every level of support your team may need, no matter the scale.

Looking for something a bit more specific? We're happy to create a custom solution fit for your team.

To find you the best option, we just need a few details →  


What types of services does Wellfound provide?

We’re an all-in-one place for hiring talent across the globe. Our tools include sourcing, job listings, employer branding, a free applicant management system, and our newest solution: AI-powered sourcing with wellfound:ai Autpilot.

What is the history of Wellfound?

Wellfound was founded in 2013 as a product within AngelList. It served AngelList's broader vision to serve startups by helping them build their teams. We started as a simple list connecting founders and engineers. Since then, we’ve spent the past decade fostering the #1 community of startups and startup-seeking talent. Today, we work with tens of thousands of companies, from early-stage startups to public companies, and we are proud to match them with our millions of job seekers. Take a peek at what makes us different than other job boards.

How do I get started?

Check out our comprehensive help guide on how to get started recruiting. You can also reach out to our team at [email protected] and we’ll help you set up your account.

Have more questions?

For more FAQ’s, check out our general guide on all things Wellfound. Or, schedule a call with our team and we’ll be happy to help.