500M+ profiles, enriched with the details that matter


Process applications 10x faster with AI

Save hours a week with AI-powered evaluations, standardized resumes, and rich company context all synced directly with your ATS
  • Automated resume parsing and standardization

  • AI-powered application ranking

  • ATS integrations for a seamless workflow

  • Process applications in bulk to save hours of manual work

Wellfound is your new Teammate

Stop scrolling, start hiring

Just tell us what you need. Our expert recruiters find, reach out, and schedule qualified candidates on your calendar. All at a fraction of the cost of an agency.
  • Expert recruiters manage your search and improve daily based on feedback

  • We review hundreds of profiles and reach out to 100–200 best-fit candidates weekly

  • Approve the candidates you want to meet and we'll schedule them for you

  • You focus on having meaningful conversations - we we handle everything else for a fraction of the cost

& it doesn’t stop there...

We’ve included all the best benefits every great recruiting product should have.

One-click outreach automation

AI-generated email sequences using your job listings, fully customizable to your tone & cadence. All synced with your email.

Works with your ATS

Sync seamlessly into your existing tools and workflow, zero interference.

Try it out for free
You know who you want. We know how to find them.

Who’s wellfound:ai for?

wellfound:ai is designed for anyone striving to make their next hire smarter and faster. Whether you’re:
A recruiter looking to save time and money, so you can focus on selling and vetting candidates.
A founder ready to bring in professional recruiting help to take over the search while you focus on building your business.
A recruiting team or recruiting agency that needs additional sourcing help they can flexibly scale up and down.