- B2C
- Public StagePublicly traded company
- Top InvestorsThis company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors
Uber careers
Uber is what you want, when you want it.
Whether it’s a ride across town or a delivery to your door, we give you the best choice at the touch of a button. We power a marketplace that offers people new ways to earn on their own terms. And we strengthen cities by energizing local economies, making streets safer, and promoting a more connected, less congested environment.
Driven by our vision and craftsmanship, Uber technology moves the physical world toward the smarter cities of the future. Cities where transportation is more reliable than running water. Everywhere. For everyone. Where people have the flexibility and opportunity to do more of what matters to them.
Uber. In every language, it means your destination in life, on demand.
Whether it’s a ride across town or a delivery to your door, we give you the best choice at the touch of a button. We power a marketplace that offers people new ways to earn on their own terms. And we strengthen cities by energizing local economies, making streets safer, and promoting a more connected, less congested environment.
Driven by our vision and craftsmanship, Uber technology moves the physical world toward the smarter cities of the future. Cities where transportation is more reliable than running water. Everywhere. For everyone. Where people have the flexibility and opportunity to do more of what matters to them.
Uber. In every language, it means your destination in life, on demand.
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Founder @Uber
Total raised
Funded over
17 rounds
Latest round
IPO (Sep 2020)
Brightidea, Inc. • San Francisco • 7 days ago
Olo • New York City • 1 week ago
TeamSnap • Remote • 1 week ago
Doximity • San Francisco • 2 weeks ago
MOO • Providence • 2 weeks ago