- B2C
- B2B
- Early StageStartup in initial stages
- Top InvestorsThis company has received a significant amount of investment from top investors
Mycroft AI careers
Voice is coming to every platform, every device and every household globally. Why? Because it is intuitive and simple.
There is a whole community of developers out there who want access to the technology so that they can innovate, but so far it's been the purview of a few large companies. Solutions from Apple, Google and Amazon are walled off, proprietary and secretive.
Corporations also want access to this technology, but they don't want to send their proprietary data to Google or Amazon. This leaves them in a bind. How do they deploy a state of the art voice assistant without entering the orbit of a Silicon Valley major?
Mycroft provides an open alternative to Siri or Alexa. Mycroft makes it easy for enterprises to deploy voice in their products and it's open so companies can customize, extend and white label the technology.
There is a whole community of developers out there who want access to the technology so that they can innovate, but so far it's been the purview of a few large companies. Solutions from Apple, Google and Amazon are walled off, proprietary and secretive.
Corporations also want access to this technology, but they don't want to send their proprietary data to Google or Amazon. This leaves them in a bind. How do they deploy a state of the art voice assistant without entering the orbit of a Silicon Valley major?
Mycroft provides an open alternative to Siri or Alexa. Mycroft makes it easy for enterprises to deploy voice in their products and it's open so companies can customize, extend and white label the technology.
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Joshua Montgomery
Founder Mycroft AI (500 Startups, Techstars, Mass Challenge ), Founder Wicked Broadband [2006] & Air Force Officer
Kris Adair
Co-founder Mycroft, Co-founder of Wicked Broadband, Founder of the Lawrence Center for Entrepreneurship.
Funded over
3 rounds
Latest round
Seed (Mar 2019)
Seldon • Remote • 3 days ago
Agolo • Remote • 7 days ago
Blue River Technology • Santa Clara • 3 weeks ago
Duolingo • Warsaw • 3 weeks ago
Riskified • Lisbon • 3 weeks ago