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I am a front-end software developer, looking for innovative ideas and an inspired team. I have 8 years of experience working with technologies such as React, JavaScript, HTML5, Angular, and more.
I am looking for React Native work for web and mobile applications. My expertise includes: Mobile Apps, React Native and Web Apps: ReactJS, NodeJS, NextJS, TypeScript.
I've been working with website front-end technologies for 5+ years. Worked with various projects as a front-end developer building everything from websites and web apps to libraries. Experience working with frameworks such as React and VueJS.
Have 7 years of experience in front-end development. My expertise lies in Javascript and its frameworks like ReactJS, Node.js, and Typescript. Also worked with Redux, Webpack, MySQL, jQuery, and Express.js
I am a front-end software developer, looking for innovative ideas and an inspired team. I have 8 years of experience working with technologies such as React, JavaScript, HTML5, Angular, and more.
I’m a developer having 10+ years of experience in the design, development, testing, and maintenance of software systems. Early adopter of React. I've been using React in a variety of applications and uses.
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Our comprehensive guide to finding talented front-end developers, skills to look for, and how to interview potential candidates for your startup.
Front-end developers are essential to developing the UI for your company and one of the most in-demand roles on Wellfound. Front-end engineers focus on creating websites and applications that allow customers to interact with your website or app. Generally speaking, the front-end engineer builds what the customer will see.
A front-end developer is a skilled software engineer whose job responsibilities include building and managing the front-end (client-facing) development process. A front-end developer’s work supports a development team and enables users to access and interact with websites and mobile applications. Front-end developers are typically most familiar with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, and jQuery.
Levels of experience vary greatly for front-end engineers from junior (0-1 years experience) to middle or senior (3-5+ years experience) engineers. Hire for the skill level your startup needs based on current resourcing. When hiring front-end developers, it’s often beneficial to hire someone with tech lead experience who is willing to fill gaps as needed. You may also find rising talent or junior engineers from coding boot camps focused on front-end development. As a front-end engineer, you’re also looking for candidates who have a keen eye for detail, experience in development and are interested in the user experience.
The foundation of your site or app is built with HTML. CSS is used to create layouts, including the color, fonts, and style. Strong front-end engineering talent has experience with HTML and CSS and are comfortable coding in both languages.
To add interactive features to your site or app (audio, video, games, etc.) you’ll need a front-end engineer with JavaScript experience. jQuery is a library or collection of plugins and extensions the front-end engineer can leverage when programming. Be on the lookout for JavaScript and jQuery experience on front-end developer candidate applications.
Frameworks are tools that provide components aimed to customize and speed up development. The most popular front-end framework for front-end engineers is typically React. Note: engineers may also have familiarity with Angular and Vue.js as additional frameworks which can be good transferable experience.
When looking to hire a front-end engineer, the most common codebases are HTML, CSS, and JavaScript/jQuery. Familiarity with front-end frameworks, for example, React, Angular, and Vue.js, are essential when hiring a front-end developer. In addition, a front-end developer with expertise in SEO and UI is beneficial to hire for your startup.
Companies can always post a front-end engineer job and review applicants on Wellfound for free. When posting a job for front-end engineers, learn how to write a job posting that will attract the right engineering talent.
On Wellfound, you can also find candidates by sourcing for them — meaning, instead of posting a job and waiting for candidates to apply, you can find potential candidates and pitch your opportunity directly to them.
Candidates on Wellfound are specifically interested in joining a startup. With Source, we’ll tell you information including which candidates are actively looking for a job, what skills they have, their ideal salary, and more.
When sourcing for front-end developers on Wellfound, we suggest starting your search with the following:
From there, you’ll see different lists appear based on whether they are passive candidates (open to interviews, but not actively looking), active candidates (actively looking and ready to interview), or curated candidates (ready to interview and have been vetted and recommended by our team).
Here’s a list of a few front-end communities you can get in touch with to connect with front-end developer talent:
Discord Channels
Events & Hackathons
Determine a competitive salary you can offer front-end candidates by comparing market data for other postings. Explore levels.fyi, to understand the ranges of market salaries. Leverage Wellfound's salary tool to review your offer for front-end developers stacks up against other jobs on our platform.
If you can’t meet a competitive salary and still want to hire top engineering talent, double down on the benefits. Are there unique company benefits? Is there equity, stock options, or other compensation you can provide? Discuss with candidates the additional benefits beyond salary during the negotiation and interview process.
We’ve reviewed how to determine the type of front-end engineer to hire, how to find front-end developers for your team, and how to set up your hiring process — now you’re ready to start looking 👀 Post your job on Wellfound and start sourcing top front end developers from around the world today.