versityU | nurseVersity - ptVersity careers
An intelligent, interactive personalized exam prep platform that refines and adapts, based on an individual’s usage. This method guarantees the successful credentialing of nursing students and professionals. The system has many features & two unique attributes :
1. The Adviser: A proprietary technology based “recommendation engine” backed by a complex algorithm. The study experience constantly assesses the probability of success for the individual, and then dynamically adapts further study material to their needs; this increases the probability of passing their exams the first time.
2. Community Content: It’s built by nurses, for nurses. We utilize a network of current and recent students to build and update our library of nursing exam based assets.
Our Team is made up of a wide range of individuals, including a wide range of medical, nursing and now physical thearpy students, top educators teaching at universities, and senior educational consultants at the top of their fields.
1. The Adviser: A proprietary technology based “recommendation engine” backed by a complex algorithm. The study experience constantly assesses the probability of success for the individual, and then dynamically adapts further study material to their needs; this increases the probability of passing their exams the first time.
2. Community Content: It’s built by nurses, for nurses. We utilize a network of current and recent students to build and update our library of nursing exam based assets.
Our Team is made up of a wide range of individuals, including a wide range of medical, nursing and now physical thearpy students, top educators teaching at universities, and senior educational consultants at the top of their fields.
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Jodi Leonard
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Tony Leonard
Founder VersityU | nurseVersity - ptVersity | Studied at @Indiana University, @University of Louisville
Angi • New York • 1 week ago
Authentic8 • Toronto • $125k – $150k • 1 week ago
Signal Messenger • Remote • $150k – $210k • 8 months ago