One of the youngest full reporters ever hired by The New York Times. Wrote a bestselling book, "The Fortune Cookie Chronicles," which showed fortune cookies were originally Japanese. Survived Colbert enough my appearance is used by PR firms to train clients.
Started at the ground floor of Upworthy. Helped scale Hacks/Hackers globally to 10,000 members with chapters on 6 continents. Co-created NewsFoo with O'Reilly Media and Google. Co-created NewsDiffs, now archived by the Library of Congress, at the MIT Mozilla Hackathon.
People recognize me on the streets in foreign countries from my TED talk. Was dubbed a "conceptual scoop artist" by NPR, in part for coining term "man date." An Esquire magazine "Women We Love." Negotiated six- and seven- figure deals. Serve on boards of Nieman Foundation, Hacks/Hackers, Center for Public Integrity, Asian American Writers Workshop, Awesome Foundation, New York Public Library's Young Lions committee.
Throw awesome and epic parties.
Describe the most impressive thing you've done.Loonshots
Guns, Germs and Steel