Degree Insurance
CEO of Degree Insurance. Inventor of the first guarantee on a college degree and creator of all-you-can-fly subscription airlines (@Surf Air, $1.4B)
Founder/CEO of Surf Air (now $1.4B).
Received the Secretary of Defense's Medal for the Global War on Terror and the Civilian Joint Service Commendation for my work building quantitative models to predict conflict in Iraq.
Was the youngest of Governor Romney's "First Ballot" fundraisers for his 2008 Presidential Campaign.
Received the Outstanding Recent Alumni Award from my undergraduate alma mater and spoke at commencement in 2005.
Describe the most impressive thing you've done.Predictably Irrational, Dan Ariely.
Ender's Game
Do it. Now. Don't wait. Chase what you want. Take the risk. You'll bounce back.