Tech aficionado. Scientist turned entrepreneur and investor.
I programmed a cryptography unit for a security appliance in 2000 and built a geo-caching mobile app in 2005. I co-authored several whitepapers for crypto-projects and developed related prototypes since 2017.
At Asperado (2010): I built tech team, secured research funding > EUR 750 000; Built an open stack SaaS Delivery and Integration Platform using redundand Cloud Computing providers for improved availability and time-to-market.
At PERSICON Cert: I built a cybersecurity audit/advisory company with over 5 million ARR. Acquired in 2016 by pwc.
At fuentis: Built a portfolio of SaaS IT-Governance products from scratch. Secured seed funding > 1.2 million EUR.
As investor and VC: Invested in over 50 startups worldwide. ROI Range: total loss to >40X.
The same - money are not an issue, but a mean (or production factor).
Stay cool. You can't change thing that are outside your area of influence. You can change how you react to them.
A network of X-Boxes for research on evolutionary algorithms in 2003.
Earnest doers.
It's a wonderful world.
People & Tech.
The ones I skipped.
The Republic.
Fear & worries.