Established Leader with proven track record of generating superior returns in life sciences.
My 23 years of life-sciences focused technology experience demonstrates first-rate accomplishments and excellent qualifications. With a successful track record of P&L responsibility, M&A, strategic direction, and corporate development, I am an active leader in early stage life science companies generating a cash-on-cash return in excess of 5x invested capital with 96% realization.
Chairman of Board of Directors of BioFluidica, a leading liquid biopsy company. Recruited first CEO, secured two years forward cash flow via non-dilutive sources. Raised $2 million equity.
First CEO of EpiCypher, a leading epigenetics company. Doubled revenue annually last three years; 18 people; cash flow positive.
As Founder & General Manager of ILS Genomics, a cGMP/GLP/CLIA laboratory, launched the company, led organization to annual run rate exceeding $2 million in the first year. Company successfully sold to LabCorp in Sept, 2015.
Describe the most impressive thing you've done.Syndicate Partners.
Life Science companies in the Research Triangle Park, NC region.
Describe what you're looking for in a company.Email: [email protected]
Necessity is the mother of invention.
Visibility aids execution.
There are no bad employees, only bad managers.
Pricing - the synthesis of each discipline of business, and reflected in a single device.
More real estate investing.
Good to Great
The Alchemist
Advising Startup Companies
Think Bigger
Write a screenplay
Peter Thiel
Empathy and Listening
Building the team. Inspiration.