Now building Re:ceeve, a digital collections FinTech. Previously, Liquid Labs and OGDS, the innovation arm of the Otto Group. Before that a VC for years.
Financial Services & Logistics ideas
Describe what you're looking for in a company.Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss
The World According to Garp by Jonathan Irving
Typing this answer from Lisbon, Portugal or Boulder, Colorado....otherwise, not much else different.
Believe in compounding and put all your excess money into index funds monthly.
Not for public consumption. :)
Tobi Lütke, Shopify
My network!
Via a warm intro.
"A startup is like jumping off a cliff and building the plane on the way down!"
My 9th grade physics class....because of the teacher.
Invested more in index funds.
Transitioning from US to Europe in my teens.