Seeders Venture Capital
Accidental Entrepreneur. Getting into web3. Bootstrapped 3 companies (@FusionCharts, @Collabion & @GetCharts) & exited 2 in last 20 years. Invested in 80+ startups.
Bootstrapped FusionCharts, industry's leading charting solution, to 100+ employees, 28,000 customers and 800,000 developers in 120 countries, including over 80% of Fortune 500 companies - from India, and then exited to Idera.
Describe the most impressive thing you've done.SaaS/B2B global plays, with proven JTBD and early revenue.
Describe what you're looking for in a company.Same as what I'm doing now! Making products to help people take better decisions.
Pick your battles wisely!
Code to solve real problems!
MailChimp, Atlassian, Freshworks, Stripe, Slack, JetBrains, Dropbox, Trello
First-principle thinking.
Through an introduction/reference.
Love what you do.