Co-Founder/CTO at @BrightFunnel, @IntroRocket. Built tech/business, Worked at @Trulia, @LiveOps, Netscape. @Stanford University MSCS in AI, @Cornell University BSCS.
- Created roadmap to use machine learning and NLP techniques to calculate connection strengths between the user and his/her immediate connections. Implemented first version and deployed across website, Salesforce browser plugin, and Hubspot canvas app
- Invented idea, wrote up initial patent proposal, and filed for patent titled “System and Method for Creating Personal Connection Alerts”
- Designed and built version 1.0 of using the Symfony PHP framework on a LAMP stack. Grew the portal to top 10 real estate web sites in India with 6 million+ listings and 500,000+ agents.
- Grew Trulia’s real estate listings from 0.2M to 2M.
- Managed Trulia's offshore dev team and grew it from 2 to 10 peeople.
- Designed and implemented eavesdrop, hold, warm transfer, and post-call wrapup support for the Liveops virtual call center platform.
- Integrated XML and XSLT functionality into Mozilla's Gecko, now part of Firefox.
Describe the most impressive thing you've done.