Angel Investor • Fund Manager • Ex-Tech Coast Angels Member • Worked @WestPark Capital, @Millennium Capital Partners,• Studied @Pepperdine University & Harvard
Think & Grow Rich
Lucifer’s Banker
Enjoying everything on an island in French Polynesia (I was just there last month and planning to spend one month per year going forward).
Stay away from disloyal and unethical people and don’t think that you can teach anyone these two important characteristics which are unfortunately proven only in due time.
Co-produce my daughter
Richard Branson
Networking and connecting people
Those who are supposed to reach me, will. Those who are not supposed to reach me, won’t. ;)
Enjoy each day as if it’s your last day because one day very soon, you will look back at your last day and you will only be able to enjoy the memories of them all while then starting to learn about the new form your spirit has just taken.
I never work and I am never on vacation.
I always work and I am always on vacation.
History class in 10th grade when I realized the huge importance of studying history as a way to avoid making similar mistakes.
Focused more on going with my gut feeling rather than mainly with the intelligence I had allowed to flow in my brain.
Dealing with my closest mentee/business partner stealing almost $1 million from me.