Discovered drug target for the treatment of osteoporosis. An antibody directed against this target (Romosozumab, AMG 785) is in Phase III trials at Amgen.
Founded, raised capital for, managed and sold Blue Heron Biotechnology, one of the early synthetic biology companies. We had thousands of customers and built the DNA that Craig Venter's group used to assemble the first and second synthetic bacterial genomes.
Co-Founder of the International Gene Synthesis Consortium, an industry group focused on biosecurity and appropriate regulation of gene synthesis.
Inventor on 25+ issued patents and author on 22 peer-reviewed papers. The patents reflect some of the breadth of my experience, including an antibody therapeutic, novel drug targets, software, two laboratory instruments, DNA synthesis methods, and a new class of reporter molecules for multiplexed analyte detection.
Describe the most impressive thing you've done.