Grew Lookout Mobile Security product from 5,000 to 10,000,000 users (with significant revenue) in less than 2 years. Established company as market leader. $76m raised.
Turned a low-budget SXSW company party in a rented RV into the RVIP Lounge a very fun and profitable events business.
Led 10+ person design team for Isis, the new mobile wallet debuting summer 2012. Rumors say $300m raised.
Conceived and co-founded Get Satisfaction, an app powering 65,000 customer communities. $20m raised.
Designed Yahoo's first-generation mobile apps in early 2000's, back when they were winning. Search, email, IM, SMS, local. Introduced tens of millions to mobile web & apps.
Designed Vodafone's mobile data offerings. Team member for launch of first camera phone in EU. Helped Verizon bring mainstream SMS to United States.
Started first tech job at 16.
Describe the most impressive thing you've done.