Mkopo Kaka Mobile App
We combine advanced tools and techniques to optimize risk exposures and have built a platform that allows users to apply, receive and repay microloans through their mobile phone. Once a user creates an account we validate their information and make lending decisions based on the information they give us and hundreds of data points we take from their mobile phones with their permission. Our platform manages all parts of the lending cycle.
Describe the most impressive thing you've done.The Lean Start Up - Eric Ries
Killing Pablo
1/3 charity, 1/3 Enjoyment, 1/3 mentoring
Be data driven
I make videos in my spare time. My NYC one is prob my most creative.
Stripe, Intercom, Elon Musk, Space X, Paypal, Tesla
I can make a perfect ham and cheese sandwich with my eyes closed.
Life is a journey not a destination.
Collaborating on technology that is used by a huge number of poeple.
Left college and learned how to software developer earlier.