CEO @Sanlo. Product @SigFig @Playfish @Getty Images . VC @XYZ Ventures @Blackberry Partners Fund. Studied @London Business School
- Managed 3 successful social games with cumulative 5M+ daily users. Developed and launched features affecting KPIs such as revenue (growing revenue by double-digit %-ge), installs and retention. Managed cross-functional teams of engineers, artists, marketing, analytics (at Playfish/ Electronic Arts)
- Turned around what was considered to be a dying product into a profitable product line through changing feature set, redefining positioning and target audience (at Getty Images)
- Strong business and technology background from previous experience in venture capital and strategy consulting
"Thinking, Fast and Slow"
Not a classical business book, but it has loads of applications in business, management, product design and marketing
"Zuleikha" by Guzel Yakhina
Self-confidence. Patience and inner peace. Strong and reliable mentors.