Newslines careers
Newslines is a next generation social news network, built using NewsBlocks We solve three problems: 1) There is no global news search engine 2) Bias is endemic 3) Facebook is crap at news.
Newslines organises organizes NewsBlocks into "newslines" that give users the complete news history of any topic (a 'Wikipedia of News'). In 2017, our newsline for Conor McGregor was viewed over 100m times on Facebook, generating 1-6m pageviews/month from just that single newsline. As we add thousands more, Newslines will become one of the world's largest news sites.
The NewsBlocks protocol allows anyone to add and retrieve verified news events -- past and present - on the blockchain, creating the world's largest decentralized censorship-resistant news archive. Anyone can use this global news archive to build the next generation of unbiased news applications, such as breaking news apps, automated fact-checkers, and new products beyond our current imagination.
Newslines organises organizes NewsBlocks into "newslines" that give users the complete news history of any topic (a 'Wikipedia of News'). In 2017, our newsline for Conor McGregor was viewed over 100m times on Facebook, generating 1-6m pageviews/month from just that single newsline. As we add thousands more, Newslines will become one of the world's largest news sites.
The NewsBlocks protocol allows anyone to add and retrieve verified news events -- past and present - on the blockchain, creating the world's largest decentralized censorship-resistant news archive. Anyone can use this global news archive to build the next generation of unbiased news applications, such as breaking news apps, automated fact-checkers, and new products beyond our current imagination.
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Mary Devlin
Founder Newslines
Mark Devlin
Founder: NewsBlocks & Newslines. Founded: Metropolis, Japan's No 1 English magazine, and, the world's No. 1 News site about Japan
BuzzFeed • United States • 1 week ago
Scribd • United States • 1 week ago
BJSS • Newcastle • 1 week ago
Translator UK • United Kingdom • £40k – £100k • No equity • 2 weeks ago
Reddit • United States • 4 weeks ago