Blendology careers
SoJoLife is a complete solution that provides Brand Managers measurable results and a whole lot more for their promotional give-away spend.
'SOJO™' branded give-aways connect users with just a 'tap' to build real-life networks, expand their online networks and engage with brand communities.
'SOJO™' branded give-aways connect users with just a 'tap' to build real-life networks, expand their online networks and engage with brand communities.
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Bill Munday
Wireless communications specialist
Clair MacKenzie
CEO of @Awigia Marketing Solutions. Marketing for @genesis-technical-systems-1. CMO blueAid. CMO @Blendology. 15 yrs B2B Marketing at Thomson Reuters.
Accredible • England • £80k – £100k • 2 weeks ago
Pinterest • San Francisco • $135k – $278k • 3 weeks ago